Are Dental Implants safe in pregnancy?

Are Dental Implants safe in pregnancy?

Blog Article

Pregnancy is a journey to cherish; it's a time of joy, but this time also brings a lot of stress, and you may find your pregnancy has caused unexpected dental problems, and sometimes you may have lost a tooth. You want to restore your teeth and fill the gap but have a dilemma of what to do and when to go for it, keeping in mind the safety of your unborn baby.

We at the World of Dentistry Gurgaon, under the supervision of Dr. Rishi Rana, who's a senior prosthodontist and implantologist, will happily help you with your dental implants and give you even more reason to smile about. A dental implant is a tiny titanium screw inserted into the jawbone to hold the artificial tooth. This complete procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and is completely pain-free. The answer is that you can get dental implants after your first trimester. If it's not urgent, we can even wait until the pregnancy is over. Some points to be taken into the consideration are-

1) X-RAYS: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says that dental X-rays are safe for pregnant women, but still, it's better to avoid any kind of radiation exposure for the first three months of your pregnancy. Even though a dental x-ray focuses on the mouth area only, many choose to avoid x-rays altogether while pregnant just to be safe.

2) ANESTHESIA: Studies show that dental treatment with local anesthesia is safe during pregnancy but avoid any procedure in general anesthesia.

3) STRESS: The American Pregnancy Association says that high anxiety levels in expectant mothers can affect the development of a baby. If the situation is not an emergency, wait until your baby is born to proceed with dental implants. You should also maintain good oral health for the benefit of you and your baby. Brush twice a day, floss daily, and rinse every night with a fluoridated, alcohol-free mouthwash.

If you are pregnant and need to replace one or more missing, broken teeth with dental implants, call us to schedule a consultation at our dental office. We will be happy to assist you.

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